Our small FabLab always welcomes small donations from our guests and visitors. But ever since, only a small plastic frog was used for these donations.
So we created the idea, to stick our ideas, technologies and a wonderfull old Miele vacuum cleaner together in order to build a small funny robot, that welcomes, teases our visitors. And who says thank you to all our donors.
Well, here’s the result:
Some details about the internal structure of the little guy:
- Controller: Arduino Uno R3
- Software: Standard Processing and standard libraries
- Audio: VLSI VS1000 Audio Module incl. our own firmware that lets the Arduino control the board
- Distancesensor: HC-SR04 embedded in a modelled nose of FIMO
- 4 LED stripes (2 RGB on the backside)
- 6 power-LEDs for the top
- 1 servo for moving the top
- 1 Servo for moving the bill-mouth
- 3 distance sensors for bill and coin detection
- 1 switch for muting the audio module and 1 reset button